Online Marketing Tools

Over the last years, technology changed the way companies approach market research. Online marketing tools had already gained popularity, but inevitably became a necessity during Covid. Even in a post-pandemic world, marketing research tools are a valuable asset in your marketing research strategy. Here’s 5 reasons why:
Conduct real-time research
By using online market research tools, brands can now track consumer behavior in real-time. In addition to gathering demographic and behavioral data, marketers can also use online marketing tools to create an online community to engage with consumers in real-time whenever it fit their research needs
Online tooling is time-saving
Dive deeper into data research with online marketing tools . Often powered by Artificial Intelligence technologies, they allow you to translate clean and abstract numbers into valuable behavioral insights. It’s also easy to review and manage data without having to do any manual conversion which you would typically do with classic research methods. Most marketing research tools are also fast and easy to use, giving you more time to focus on building a solid relationship with your brand community.
The best online market research tools are cost-efficient
Unlike traditional research methods, market research tools online are not limited to a specific time and place. Respondents can participate in their own time from literally anywhere. Most tooling can be purchased at flexible project-based pricing, allowing researchers to increase their margins.
Related Post: Marketing Research Tools
It’s flexible
Whether you are working from home or at the office, scouting respondents who work nights or live across the country, the best online market research tools make it all possible. Research software is characterized by its adjustable nature allowing marketers to organize projects much more flexibly. When using online market research tools, participants are usually more diverse and have the ability to answer questions in their own time frame. The flexibility that comes with implementing software to your research strategy is perfectly in line with the popularity of the hybrid working era.
Related post: What you need to know about Computer Programs for Qualitative Data Analysis
Become approachable
One of the most important principles in customer retention is to become trustworthy to your customers. Brands can often seem unreachable, which makes it easier for consumers to switch to competitors. By implementing marketing research tools, you can start a real conversation with your customers and find out how they really feel about your brand. By expanding your presence online, you become approachable which makes them more likely to trust you. Bonus points if you create a long-lasting community where customers can engage with you and get their voices heard.
Are you interested in how our market research tools online CMNTY Platform can value your research projects? Schedule a demo!