Xceptionals Program
Xceptionals are the winners of tomorrow
What do customers experience during their entire customer journey with your organization? How do they move between touch-points, and how do they find this experience? Once you have a detailed idea, you can continually improve the customer experience (CX) so that customers are happy and share their enthusiasm about you with others.
We have been conducting customer experience research in the Netherlands for over 30 years. We measure the evaluation and appreciation of customers for small, medium-sized and large organizations. We reveal what customers really think about your organization with our proven customer satisfaction surveys. Are they satisfied with the contact, purchase, complaint processing, service? We measure specific processes or touch-points with transactional surveys. Why do customers abandon their cart just before checkout? Can you improve your delivery process?
Gerrit Piksen
Teammanager | Expert Customer Insights
+31 6 46 08 73 54
Thanks to our Direct Feedback, you can gain a better insight into your interaction with your customers. Customers quickly assess their recent experience with your organization for a specific aspect. The customer opinion is available at a glance, in a user-friendly dashboard. Your employees immediately see which impact they have on customer satisfaction. And you can follow up on this immediately. Direct Feedback is thus an ideal management tool for measuring, reporting on and monitoring your organization’s customer focus.
The only way that you can take a structured approach to improving your customer satisfaction, improve customer retention and strengthen customer loyalty is by having an insight into the customer experience (CX). In so doing, you purposefully work to achieving organizational growth. Do you really want to put the customer first? We help you make the customer journey and customer experience irresistible for customers.