Next level Market Research with Virtual Focus Group

A virtual focus group is exactly what it sounds like—a focus group conducted virtually, or over the Internet, rather than in person. Our CMNTY Platform makes the experience more efficient and cost-effective than ever before. Here are some of the best practices you should follow when conducting virtual focus groups to ensure your participants feel heard and cared for—and that they provide you with data you can rely on. If you’re looking to gather insights on your product or service, you can gather great information by conducting a virtual focus group.
What you can do with it?
It’s best practice for testing out new logos or brand awareness. This is helpful if your company is launching a new product or service and wants to make sure it meets customer expectations. Remote focus groups can also help you with marketing strategies. For example, for your product or service, you can use a virtual focus group software to get feedback on which marketing strategies are most effective.
A virtual focus group is a great way to get feedback from a target audience without the hassle and expense of renting a physical space.
But what’s the best way to go about it? Here are some tips for conducting an effective online focus group. Online focus group best practices allow you to reach a larger audience at a lower cost than traditional focus groups. Rather than having participants travel in person to a central location, virtual focus groups involve people from different places joining a conference call, video call or webinar for interviews through a market research online community software. Virtual focus groups provide an engaging environment that can be used for various business purposes such as testing the effectiveness of an advertisement or promotion strategy. They’re easy to set up tools, affordable, flexible, and provide valuable data.
Benefits of using an online focus group software
Online focus groups offer several advantages over traditional; in-person focus groups. They are more convenient for both the moderator and the participants, they can be conducted more quickly, and they allow for a greater degree of anonymity which can encourage more honest feedback. Additionally, online focus groups are less expensive to set up and run than traditional focus groups. With virtual focus group software, you don’t need to travel or find an appropriate venue; you just need an internet access and a computer. Virtual focus group software best practices include establishing ground rules before beginning and ensuring that all respondents have adequate time to complete their questionnaire. Online focus groups also should be moderated carefully by experts who understand how people interact online, as there is no nonverbal communication available. It’s also important that the topics asked about in the survey are not sensitive so that respondents feel comfortable sharing their opinions online.
Also Read: Market Research Focus Groups
How long should surveys take?
Well, this depends on a few things – are you running an online focus group where you want people to fill out the survey before they participate and post comments about their experience afterward?
A standard length for surveys for virtual focus groups (where participants are responding after completing their session) is around 10 minutes. Online surveys usually take less time because respondents can’t ask questions during a live chat with a moderator, so they don’t need as much information.
In either case, be sure to have enough items on your list that participants can easily go through without becoming bored or feeling like they’re wasting their time.
Where can I get more information?
If your company is struggling to stay current on the latest developments in your industry, online focus groups can be a great source of information. You can reach out to CMNTY which specializes in market research online survey and can provide your company with the information it needs to keep up with the latest trends.