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Market Research Focus Groups


What is a Focus Group?

A focus group is an in-depth discussion or conversation with a small group of people that’s facilitated by a moderator (i.e. research company). A group of 5-8 people are brought together in a room and asked to discuss your product and their experience with it. The moderator will ask them follow-up questions to understand their reasoning behind their answers, as well as probe for any additional information. The group will then be split up between different rooms based on demographics to ensure participants are representative of your target audience. Focus groups are flexible in that you can ask the group about their experience with your services/product, your competitors’ products, or anything else that is relevant to your business. 

Online focus groups research

In-person focus groups can be a source of anxiety for some, but if you prefer to do your research online, you can use online focus groups to collect the same data. The main difference is that you are likely to get a higher response rate online compared to in-person groups. One big advantage of online focus group research is that you can access a much wider range of participants. This makes it much easier to get a diverse sample of participants, which is necessary when you’re trying to better understand how your product appeals to different segments.

Why Use Focus Groups for Market Research?

Market research focus groups are great for making sense out of what people say and understand their motivations behind certain actions. They are useful when you want to understand why people think or behave a certain way about your product or services. Why is it that people prefer a specific type of product or service, and why do they respond to marketing campaigns a certain way? Using focus groups can answer these questions for you and provide you with insights that are useful for strategic planning. Focus groups can explore a wide variety of topics and objectives. Focus groups can also be used to better understand why people use a certain product or service and what could be done to improve it. 

Tips to Make Using Focus Groups More Effective

There are many different factors that determine how successful your market research focus groups will be. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of them: 

– Know what you want to get out of the focus group:

 Before you initiate the focus group, know what you want to get out of it. This will help you determine the type of participants you want as well as the questions you want to ask them. This will also help you ensure that the moderator stays on track and does not stray from the objectives of the group. This improves the effectiveness. 

– Have a clear objective: 

Every question you ask during the focus group should have a specific purpose. If you are gathering information about your customers’ buying habits, a question like “What do you like best about our product?” is too open-ended.

– Make the environment conducive to meaningful conversation – 

Conducting your focus group online, then you want to make sure that you’re creating a space for meaningful conversation. This means having a clear discussion guide, separating what should be discussed, and not letting side conversations get out of control.

– Use tools to help you recruit the right participants – 

With online focus group research, you can get a lot more participants than you would with in-person groups, but you also want to make sure that you’re getting people from your target audience.