Why does your client need you for research?

There are loads and loads of research tools. As an insight company, you can choose from an ever-expanding set of tools and platforms in various forms and guises, for qualitative or quantitative research. This props up two questions. Which one to choose? And second, does your client still need you for research?
As an insight professional you have to keep up with new research tactics and methods. Not to mention cope with the sheer volume of data that needs to be processed. There’s more data around now than ever before and with every passing nanosecond, we’re adding more to the pile. But that’s not all. Clients have now discovered the value of research tools and are making more research efforts in-house. And they’re doing this all by themselves, leaving you behind. Or are they?
Use the challenges to your advantage
In our whitepaper ‘5 opportunities that can help you become a trusted research partner’ we will answer this question for you. And we will provide you with the necessary information as to how an insight firm can adapt to a changing market. We will show you the opportunities these challenges can bring and how you can use them to your advantage. Here are three take aways from our study:
- Using specific tactics you can become (and stay) your client’s go-to research partner
- By niching down, you can future-proof your insight firm
- The right strategic partners will help you by centralizing research tools & methods