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Quantitative Data Analysis Software

Quantitative data analysis software is a tool that market researchers need to gather, analyse, and present the results of their research in an easy-to-understand manner. Without this type of software, any resulting graphs or charts wouldn’t be able to communicate their information effectively. The bottom line is that quantitative data analysis software gives the user the ability to conduct accurate and precise research so they can make well-informed decisions based on hard facts rather than speculation. If you’re interested in learning more about this type of software and why it’s essential to use, continue reading to learn more!

What is quantitative data analysis?

One of the most common quantitative data analysis techniques is market research, where statistical software analyses your current customer base and market trends to predict where your company should invest its time and resources. By quantifying information, researchers can answer questions such as what the company’s marketing budget should be, how many people have stopped coming to the store, or why people think the product isn’t working for them. 

Furthermore, quantitative research analysis software provides answers much faster than qualitative studies. Qualitative surveys can take days, weeks, or even months to return results because they require more research by humans than quantitative surveys do. The more specific the question you want answered, the quicker you’ll get an answer with quantitative data analysis. Quantitative research analysis software also allows for analyses that span several years’ worth of data instead of just focusing on one year at a time like qualitative research does.

What do you need to use it for?

A person’s analytical skill set is just as important to the success of a company as their marketing knowhow. Without analysing qualitative data, it is difficult to get a complete understanding of how well your product performs in the market. To do this, it is necessary to use software for analysing quantitative data.  That said, there are two types of software for analysing quantitative data: software’s that are designed to collect and analyse the raw data by themselves, and software’s that require additional analysis tools (such as Microsoft Excel) before being able to process them. When choosing software applications for quantitative analysis, you should consider what type of computer system you’re using and what features it has; in some cases, you may need software that supports 64-bit architecture or has built-in programming languages. You also need to consider if the software can automatically filter out low-value participants from your dataset – if not, then filtering out low-value participants manually can be time consuming and complicated.

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Which type of report do you need?

Statistical software packages can come in handy for conducting a market research study, or to evaluate survey data. Quantitative analysis software offers different types of reports that allow you to quickly digest and analyse your data. The following are some pros and cons for using this type of software when conducting a market research study.

Statistical software packages offer many benefits over paper-based analysis methods, such as automatically calculating statistics and generating custom summaries. However, these packages often require a large amount of upfront investment and training before they can be used efficiently. Despite the initial cost, statistical software is more cost effective than other data collection techniques such as focus groups because it does not require any additional resources. 

The ability to conduct sophisticated analyses without leaving the office makes software used in quantitative research an excellent choice for those who work remotely. Additionally, quantitative analysis software can help businesses save time by speeding up data processing. In addition to providing advantages for businesses, this type of software also has advantages for academic researchers due to its compatibility with Excel spreadsheets and tools like R programming language. 

However, there are still some drawbacks to consider with this type of quantitative analysis software – namely their high price tag and the difficulty in finding qualified professionals who know how to use them properly. These disadvantages make it difficult for those on a budget or less experienced users.

Excited to start using a software application for quantitative analysis? Schedule a demo here and learn how quantitative data analysis software can improve your research projects.

Discover the power of online qualitative research. Order the free demo