Whom should you
talk to when discussing
sustainable living?
BSR Living

How do you actively involve locals in creating a more sustainable living environment that caters to all life phases? For this, you need to know who these locals are.
Every day, our research highlights how different people are, including when it comes to sustainable living, across all life phases. Some people prefer a comfortable, quiet life, without too much fuss. Others work actively to make their community greener. And then there are some who find social interaction much more important than sustainability.
There is no such thing as the average inhabitant. If you communicate in the same way to all people, you run the risk that nobody will receive your message.
Improve the quality of people’s living environment
Our BSR segmentation by Living Experience, gives municipalities, developers, investors and corporations an insight and levers to increase the quality of our living environment. We have distinguished six different worlds of experience for such themes as living environment, sustainability, mobility, participation, moving and life phases. They can be of valuable importance for your policymaking and for tailor-made communication in projects.
Want to know more?
Frank Bos
Business Development Manager
+31 6 13 66 04 10